Contact Us

We are locate in Poligono de Salas, Sant Boi de Llobregat, approximately five minutes from the airport and fifteen minutes from the port of Barcelona. From our facility we can easily access every major highway towards both the south of Spain and through the French border into the rest of Europe, giving us the ability to supply your needs in every major European city or port.
Headquarters | Barcelona

Office Address
Passeig del Ferrocarril 335, 3º 3ª
08860 Castelldefels
Barcelona, Spain

Phone Number
+34 93 517 79 77

Email Address

Barcelona Central Warehouse

Office Address
Carrer Raurell, 40 (P.I. Camí Ral)
08850 Gava

Phone Number
+34 93 517 79 77
Ops Manager: Leo Fosso 
Mob: +34 619 357 238

Email Address

Tarragona Branch Office

Office Address
Carrer del Plom, 11
43006 Tarragona

Phone Number
Ops Manager: Luis Rodriguez 
Mob: +34 619 346 754

Email Address

Valencia Branch Office

Office Address
Calle Tirant lo Blanc, 36 (P.I. Aldaia)
46960 Aldaia (Valencia)

Phone Number
+34 610 315 979
Ops Manager: Rafael Trujillo
Mob: +34 625 240 949

Email Address

Algeciras/Gibraltar Branch Office

Office Address
Calle Los Amigos, 5 (P.I. Cortijo Real)
11206 Algeciras (Cadiz)

Phone Number
+34 956 63 53 81
Ops Manager: Daniel Salguero 
Mob: +34 691 655 503

Email Address

Las Palmas Branch Office

Office Address
Calle Sao Paulo, 17
35008 – El Sebadal
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Phone Number
+34 610 315 794
Ops Manager: Beatriz Sanchez Alés
Mob: +34 610 315 794

Email Address

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